Ian Cummins' Installation Service

On Sunday, March 8th, Denver Presbytery held an installation service during the worship service at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church for Rev. Ian Cummins.

The Reverend Ian Cummins was installed as Co-Pastor of Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church.  The Reverend Dana Hughes (Denver Presbytery brought the message. Ruling Elder, Peter Hulac (Montview) Presided over the installation. Rev. Clover Beal (Montviewl) and Elders Ken Furlow (Arvada PC), Michele Horn (Montview) and Jim Thomas (Montview) from our Presbytery participated in the service as Ian’s commission. Rabbi Adam Morris (Temple Micah) also participated.

Welcome to the Denver Presbytery Family, Ian. Congratulations! May God Bless you and your ministry.