Transitional Presbytery Pastor Urges Congregations to Cancel In-Person Worship

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Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Getting ahead of the Covid-19 virus is like trying to outrun a tornado. Even with all of the recommendations we sent to you yesterday, urging you to offer virtual worship rather than keep your sanctuary open for worship, we now must take a different tack. 
I urge you to cancel in-person worship for this Sunday and until further notice. If you can offer a worship experience via video, please do.  If you can’t manage it this week, cancel anyway. Do not risk spreading the virus. The Presbytery office is closed with all staff working remotely from home.  No meetings will be held at the Presbytery office.  

Friends, we know that God is with us in the midst of uncertainty, and we claim the abiding love of Christ for all.  At the same time, we also know that God expects us to be wise shepherds of our flocks and not lead them into harm's way.   
In Christ,

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Rev. Dana Hughes
Transitional Presbytery Pastor

Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash